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Hair Loss Specialist

Heights Dermatology and Laser

Dermatologists located in Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn, NY

Hair loss doesn’t have to be permanent; at Height Dermatology New York City patients can work with Dr. Avram to restore lost hair. For more information please call Dr. Avram's Manhattan office at 347-547-3510.

Hair Loss Q & A

What Is Hair Loss?

Hair loss occurs in 30-50 percent of all women and men. Hair loss does change our physical appearance and can affect our self esteem. There are a variety of causes of hair loss in women and men . Some include – genetics, poor hair care from chemicals, heat, tension, medications, medical conditions such as thyroid disease and iron deficiency, diet and a variety of skin diseases. Dr Avram specializes the medical and surgical treatment of hair loss in women and men. For most patients there are effective safe medical and surgical treatment options that can stop hair loss and for many restore their hair. Contact our office for a consult to diagnose the cause of your hair loss and create a treatment plan to help maintain or restore your hair by medical and/ or surgical therapy.

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What Causes Hair Loss?

It is unknown why certain hair follicles have a shorter growth period than others. Though, several factors can influence the loss of hair:

  • Hormones, such as irregular levels of androgens .
  • Genes can influence a person's predisposition to baldness.
  • Stress, illness, and child birth can cause short-term hair loss.
  • Medications, such as blood thinners, blood pressure drugs, chemotherapy drugs, and birth control pills can cause short-term hair loss.
  • Autoimmune diseases may cause alopecia areata, where the immune system overreacts and affects the hair follicles.
  • Cosmetic measures, such as bleaching, over shampooing, perms, and coloring hair can contribute to hair thinning because they can cause the hair to become weak and brittle. Tight braiding, using hot curlers or rollers, and using hair picks with tight curls can also damage and break hair. Severe damage to the hair or scalp occasionally causes permanent bald patches.
  • Medical conditions such as diabetes, iron deficiency, thyroid disease, lupus, eating disorders, and anemia can contribute to hair loss.
  • A low-protein diet or harshly calorie-restricted diets can cause temporary hair loss.

What Treatments Are Used?

Hair loss affects men, women, and children. Treatments for hair loss typically include medications such as Propecia and Rogaine, hair replacement therapy, and hair restoration. To determine what treatment is best for you, contact the office for a consultation.


Insurance Accepted

Please contact our office to verify acceptance of your plan. Qualifications for insurance coverage may differ due to the uniqueness of each procedure. 

Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield
Multiplan PHCS
Multiplan, Inc.
Oxford (UnitedHealthcare)